
News for Math majors at IU Bloomington.

Top 5 Reasons Why Lab & Research Can Help You Decide On A Career

While I was working on my undergraduate Psychology degree just a few short years ago, I was convinced that I wanted to become a professor like my mom and dad. I knew that getting involved with research in some fashion would be necessary for any future graduate school applications. Now, 4 years and 2 labs later, I no longer have the desire to pursue research as a career, and yet I am extremely grateful for the lasting benefits that the experience afforded me both today and during my undergraduate career.

Although the only experience I can speak for is my own, I believe that anyone with even a passing interest in science and research should give lab work a try. Here are the top 5 takeaways I got from my time working at a lab that studies Schizophrenia and one that studies Animal Behavior:

Top 5 reasons why lab and research experience can help students who are undecided on a career…

Continue to full article by Aaron Brutkiewicz

Filed under: Careers, Research and Grad School

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