
News for Math majors at IU Bloomington.

8W2 course on organization, studying, deep learning – Becoming the Best Student!

We still have open seats in X150! If you know a Freshman or Sophomore looking for a 2nd 8 Weeks course, and who could use a booster in college academics to finish out the semester strong, please consider guiding them to the SAC’s EDUC-X150:

EDUC-X150: Reading-Learning Techniques 1 (2 credits)
VT: Becoming the Best Student

“I learned exactly what I thought I was going to learn when I chose to do this course, which is to be a better student. I learned my strengths and I learned my weaknesses, which guide me to notice what I need to improve in order to not just be a better student, but a better person as well.”

X150 is a concentrated crash-course in how to become the best possible college student you can be. It is designed to help you organize your life as a student, develop best practices for academic study, and, ultimately, to foster a love of deep learning. Coursework builds transferable skills in time management, studying and test-taking, taking notes, reading for better comprehension, and critical thinking that you can use in any class and in the world beyond.

Filed under: Academic Help

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